Coldplay - Up&Up(WEB-171M)

所属专辑:A Head Full of Dreams
发行公司: 华纳音乐

歌词:Fixing up a car to drive in it again
偶尔抛锚 整理好也要继续前行
Searching for the water, hoping for the rain
Up and up Up and up
别失望别伤心 一切都会过去
Down upon the canvas, working meal to meal
Waiting for a chance to pick on your orange field
Up and up Up and up
别灰心别丧气 那一天总会降临
See a pearl form a diamond in the rough
See a bird soaring high above the flood
It's in your blood
你知道有种东西与生俱来 就看你
It's in your blood
能不能发现 并让它成就你
Underneath the storm, an umbrella is saying,
暴风雨之下 手中的伞仿佛在对我窃窃私语
"Sitting with the poison takes away the pain."
它说只有直面风雨才能不被打倒 才能绽放自己
Up and up
去吧 鼓起勇气
Up and up, saying
直面风雨 然后告诉自己
We're gonna get it, get it together right now
我们会挺过去 会一起收获成功的喜悦甜蜜
Gonna get it, get it together somehow
一切总会好转 阳光总会降临
Gonna get it, get it together and flower
总会越过困难荆棘 迎来花开遍地
We're gonna get it, get it together, I know
我知道我们一定会挺过去 会有一天迎来梦想的芳香扑鼻
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
一切总会好转 严冬会过去 流水会散播春意
Gonna get it, get it together and go
春意会温暖冻伤的心 然后我们也要继续前行
Up and up and up
别失望别灰心 保持向上的动力
Lying in the gutter, aiming for the moon
偶尔身陷低谷 也别忘了你想到达的彼岸和最初
Trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon
心若坚定 磐石也会为之动摇 汪洋也总有一天会干涸
Up and up Up and up
别灰心别放弃 坚定自己 不忘最初
How come people suffer? How come people part?
为何我们一定要受尽苦难 又为何一定要遍尝离伤
How come people struggle? How come people break your heart?
为何一定要你争我夺 又为何一定要中伤彼此
Break your heart, oh
Yes, I wanna grow, yes, I wanna feel
这些问题让我盼望成长 直到我对它们都有足够体会
Yes, I wanna know, show me how to heal it up
我想了解它的根源所在 想知道如何治愈这一切
Heal it up, oh
See the forest, there in every seed
Angels in the marble waiting to be freed
Just need love
Just need love
When the going is rough, saying
当逐梦路上举步维艰 记得对自己说
We're gonna get it, get it together right now
我们能会过去 会一起收获成功的喜悦甜蜜
Gonna get it, get it together somehow
一切总会好转 阳光总会降临
Gonna get it, get it together and flower
总会越过困难荆棘 迎来花开遍地
We're gonna get it, get it together, I know
我知道我们一定会挺过去 会有一天迎来梦想的芳香扑鼻
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
一切总会好转 严冬会过去 流水会散播春意
Gonna get it, get it together and go
春意会温暖冻伤的心 然后我们也要继续前行
But you can say what is, or fight for it
你若能将前路认清 那就为它努力
Close your mind or take a risk
别瞻前顾后犹犹豫豫 就大胆鼓起勇气
You can say, "It's mine," and clench your fist
你也要能为你心中所爱勇敢一次 奋力站起
Or see each sunrise as a gift
We're gonna get it, get it together right now
请相信我们会挺过去 会一起收获成功的喜悦甜蜜
Gonna get it, get it together somehow
一切总会好转 阳光总会降临
Gonna get it, get it together and flower
总会越过困难荆棘 迎来花开遍地
We're gonna get it, get it together, I know
我知道我们一定会挺过去 会有一天迎来梦想的芳香扑鼻
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
一切总会好转 严冬会过去 流水会散播春意
Gonna get it, get it together and go
春意会温暖冻伤的心 然后我们也要继续前行
Up and up and up
别失望别灰心 保持向上的动力
We're gonna get it, get it together right now
请相信我们会挺过去 会一起收获成功的喜悦甜蜜
Gonna get it, get it together somehow
一切总会好转 阳光总会降临
Gonna get it, get it together and flower
总会越过困难荆棘 迎来花开遍地
We're gonna get it, get it together, I know
我知道我们一定会挺过去 会有一天迎来梦想的芳香扑鼻
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
一切总会好转 严冬会过去 流水会散播春意
Gonna get it, get it together and go
春意会温暖冻伤的心 然后我们也要继续前行
Up and up and up
别失望别灰心 保持向上的动力
Fixing up a car to drive in it again
偶尔抛锚 整理过后也要继续前行
When you're in pain, when you think you've had enough
当你受伤 当你心痛难息 当你觉得受够一切 觉得老天不公平
Don't ever give up
Don't ever give up
Believe in love
相信爱 相信自己会挺过去




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