[4K] Rewrite The Stars (PianoCelloViolin Cover) -The Greatest Showman - The Piano Guys


Some of the story behind the song:

“I think life comes at us in seasons. I’ve thought a lot about this. When you feel like you’re in winter, you get that feeling that everything is bleak -- and that you’ve got nothing to look forward to. The sun is gone; it’s completely overcast in your life. Those are the times for me when I’m feeling writer’s block, I’m feeling depression, I’m feeling complete struggle, just wondering whether I can even weather the storm.

Then I feel like all of us have this invincible summer within us.

It’s people, places, memories that we can draw upon that make the sunlight come out. To me, that’s what Julie is. I look back on all the memories we have together. Each and every one of them coalesce and overcome all the difficult times and the struggle. All I think about is the love I have for her and who I am because of her.

I wish I could even portray, with music, what she means to me. I can’t. There’s just not music beautiful enough. However, I want to give it my best shot. So for the first time, in all the years of doing the Piano Guys, I finally get to play beside my inspiration: My wife, Julie Nelson.”

下载价格2 金币



  1. 非常感谢楼主的分享
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  4. Rewrite The Stars ,学习学习
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