[1080P] 张韶涵 - 爱旅行的人 官方HD-MV


张韶涵 - 爱旅行的人(歌词)

Travel Enthusiast
Lyrics by [作词]:姚若龙
Composed by [作曲]:Ger
有时候闷得宁愿我 能完全隐形
Sometimes frustration gets to me, I wish I could be invisible
沟通并不代表 就能去澄清
Communication doesn’t always lead to clarification
辽阔的世界人和人 都有各自的逻辑
Everything and everyone has their own logic in this wide world
不想说服什麼人 更不想改变我自己
Don’t want to convince anyone, no intention of changing myself either
有缘份就谈心 没默契就别矫情
If we click we’ll get along, If not, don’t pretend
若个性决定命运 用微笑回应
If personality defines fate, respond with a smile
走过的每个风景 留下一些回忆
Every scenery remains some memory
有的晴朗了心情 也有的是叹息
Some lighten up the hearts, some are depressing
热爱旅行的人 总有某种纯真
Those who love to travel tend to possess purity
不怕雨雪风尘 有忘了痛苦的天份
Unaffected by rain and storm, gifted with the ability to forget pain
黑夜等我的灯 就像灿烂星辰
Darkness awaits my light, like the shiny stars
让勇气温暖到沸腾 不再是孤独灵魂
Warm up courage untill it’s boiled, no longer a wandering soul
沿路搜集来的纪念品 拥有特殊的魔力
Souvenirs that are picked up along the journey hold special magic
放在手心看著 情绪最终会平静
Hold one in the palm and gaze at it, the heart will eventually be calm
忍不住要佩服自己 有过这许多经历
Can’t help admiring myself for possessing so many experiences
还相信有一个天堂 许的愿望会降临
I still believe there’s a heaven that grants my wish
从飘雪的山林 来到热带的雨林
From the snowing forrest to the rain forest
我看过美丽夕阳 还是爱黎明
I’ve seen beautiful sunsets but still love the sunrise
Waiting in the darkness for the sun to rise gloriously
对今天感到好奇 用全新的情绪
Face today with curiousity using a brand new feeling
热爱旅行的人 内心总有回声
Those who love to travel have a voice from their hearts
喊著为梦奔走 能够让生命变丰盛
That screams, chasing dreams will make lives richer
最酸涩的泪痕 最甜蜜的笑声
The most bitter tears and the sweetest laughter
编辑成最美的绘本 去永恒精彩过程
Create the most fascinating picture books that eternalize the journey
就算开窗会飘点雨 我宁愿雨淋
Even if rain falls in with the window open, I’d rather get wet
不想紧闭自己 没空气呼吸
Don’t want to enclose myself, with no air to breath[/p]

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