[1080P] 林峰《The Feelin'》官方完整版无水印MV 2018-12-13 华语类MV 801 11 推广 http://v.qq.com/x/page/w00212940u5.html 林峰《The Feelin'》歌词 曲:Gen Neo 词:天乐 / Gen Neo 编:Gen Neo 监:Ronnie Ng / 陈子龙 天多美 阳光多激烈 没理由 继续在发呆 去享受 艳夏的滋味 感觉到 (I've got the feelin' X2) Hey 搞不定 思绪太拥挤 就尽情 随体温摆动 趁血液 沸腾了氛围 别客气~ (I've got the feelin' X2) I've got the feelin' Yea Tonight I'll be swimmin' in your sea We'll be together, closer, closer now Next to you, Next to you, Next to me I've got the feelin' I've got the feelin' 放节拍 脱掉白衬衫 把无奈 晒一个痛快 先宠坏 烦恼全抛开 靠过来 (I've got the feelin' X2) Oh Live it up 看想像 踢走 踢走 冷漠~ Shake it up 加速度 跳呀 跳呀 uh oh 听脉搏跳得澎湃 汗透了爱才存在 才精彩~ (I've got the feelin' X2) I've got the feelin' Yea~ Tonight I'll be swimmin' in your sea We'll be together, closer, closer now Next to you, Next to you, Next to me I've got the feelin' Yea~ Tonight I'll be swimmin' in your sea We'll be together, closer, closer now Next to you, Next to you, Next to me I've got the feelin' I've got the feelin' I've got the feelin' 资源下载下载价格2 金币VIP免费立即购买此资源购买后15天内可下载。如有发现链接失效,请联系网站管理 0 0 The Feelin'林峰