Meaning / Story behind the song: When we first heard Rachel Platten's "Fight Song" we were inspired by its message. In a world where we too often talk about our differences, we have at least one thing in common. We all struggle. Not in the same way, nor at the same level, but we all want a fighting chance. And we all share in one gift: The will to make the most of our lives. To take what we've been given and turn it into something better could be considered the sentient measuring stick of success. But to do so seldom is simple and more often requires we fight. Not against each other. But against the current threatening to drown the ambition in us.
2018-03-03 848 4 18

O Holy Night has graced Christmas for 170 years since its inception. It has earned a place among the greatest carols of all time. But such fame can breed vapid familiarity. 170 years of airtime can acclimate the ear so much that we may not feel the Holiness of O Holy Night as perhaps we once did. Unless, perhaps, its transcendent lyrics were cast into a new mold? A mold created by, none other than, J.S. Bach.
2018-03-01 768 6 19

All the sounds you hear were created by 90 tracks of cello, piano, and vocals (with a little wind and suspended cymbal) This is NOT green screen. Everything you see is real snow and ice.
2018-03-01 949 5 24

【Live】Alan Walker联手Noah Cyrus和Juliander最新现场演唱新单《All Falls Down》
2018-03-01 810 12 41

Lindsey Stirling-The Greatest Showman Medley 4K超清MV
2018-03-07 574 6 22

Since we’re currently neck deep in the delightful snow of our new Christmas album release, we wanted to fit in one more tune before jumping into full-on Christmas mode. So we challenged ourselves to conceptualize, write, record, mix and master “Flicker” in less than 24 hours. We loved the chorus melody and felt there was tremendously emotional capacity in the longing built into the lyrics, which the cello and piano mimic in a musical give and take.
2018-03-03 676 5 11

Introducing: a VERY special “guest artist,” who really isn’t just a “guest artist.” Rather, she’s the “BEST artist” for us to collaborate with -- Steve’s wife, Julie Nelson!
2018-03-03 735 4 9

Lyrics to song Destaca cuando anda Va causando impresión Cada día cuando levanta Brilla como el sol Su vestido de seda Calienta mi corazón Como en una novela En la televisión
2018-05-20 572 7 13

《Shake It Off》是美国女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱均由泰勒·斯威夫特、马克斯·马丁、希尔贝克共同编写,马克斯·马丁、希尔贝克负责音乐出版 [1] 。该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2014年8月19日通过大机器唱片公司发布 [2] ,后被收录在泰勒·斯威夫特于2014年10月27日发行的第五张录音室专辑《1989》 [3] 。 该歌曲分别在加拿大、澳洲、新西兰、波兰、匈牙利这五个地区的音乐排行榜拿下冠军,并于2014年9月6日位居美国公告牌百强单曲榜第一名 [4] ,成为公告牌百强单曲榜上的第22支“首周冠单”,以及泰勒·斯威夫特在该榜单上的第二支冠军单曲,共计夺得4周排行榜首位 [5-6] 。2015年1月,该歌曲获得第41届人民选择奖“最受欢迎歌曲”奖项
2018-08-30 874 2 88

梦的初登场 词 / 陈斯亚 曲 / 范扬景 编曲 / 范扬景 製作人 / 吴宗宪
2018-10-02 658 1 22

2018-10-02 904 2 4

双胞胎兄弟二人歌手IN&CHOO是MV制作团队,也是L4D跳舞团队的团长。在韩国最初歌手海选电视节目「坏男孩具乐部」中获得冠军的孪生兄弟fl始于韩国有了很大的名气 ,不仅在国内以及日本,中国,香港,欧洲,东南亚,也有很多人气。他们已各个角色,模特,製片人,舞蹈编辑,演员,fl始宣传的IN&CHOO于2015年fl始出道。正式在娱乐圈中真正做到了一人多职务的角落。开始了他们独特的音乐道路。
2018-11-18 968 0 5

Rose 刘明湘继《Unplugged Originals》接连带给歌迷不插电的原味洗礼后,终于推出全新创作单曲,并点名知名製作人terrytyelee及情歌製造机余竑龙强力加持,造就「失眠陪伴系女声」强势叩关华语R&B天后宫的〈没遗憾,只有爱〉!内容叙述一对情侣度过美好夜晚,女主角清晨醒来回忆长久关系的点点滴滴,格外适合即将到临的七夕情人节仔细聆听。
2018-12-01 536 0 18

全亚洲首创非定点360度拍摄,融入一镜到底的运镜手法,获得坎城创意节银狮奖,华裔+韩裔的男女双人组导演:Henry&Ssong ;美国MTV VMA 最佳摄影的摄影师:Mego,加入将近60人360度拍摄、VR团队,故事情节的铺陈,由“只要有你的地方”同一女主角张榕容演出,加上360度全景的全新技术,加乘了假人头录音的现场魔力,甜蜜温暖的互动,把整个寒冬赶走,温暖你的寂寞。
2018-12-01 785 0 21

Official music video for Jackson Wang’s “Different Game (feat. Gucci Mane)” video, premiering on VEVO at 8:00 pm EST on Tuesday, November 6 / 9:00am Beijing Time Wednesday, November 7
2018-12-01 686 0 9
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