MICROPHONE (ไมโครโฟน) - THE OLD i$E [Official MV] "วุตมันชอบสกิดตอนอยู่บนเวที แล้วก็บอกดูคนนั้นดิ่ 555"
2018-07-14 968 2 12

这什么催泪的歌啦MV也这样紫 不知道我卫生纸才刚买吗(欸 说是史上最苦命又最短的限定团也不为过了 连最后都是如此心酸.... 不过还是很开心能因此遇上那麽好的九位女孩 就让牛奶们一起陪你们度过最后的时光吧QQQQ 另外这次是跟The UNIT.tw : Idol 重启企划台湾站合作哦(洒花) 请大家也多多支持他们
2018-09-18 506 0 7

GFRIEND的日文新专辑《Memoria/Time For The Moon Night》于10月10日正式发布了! 《Memoria》满载力量清纯的感性,衬以朦胧之美,再次重逢的时刻,发誓要守护对方,不愿再分离,说好做彼此的天使呢。
2018-10-14 725 0 55

[MV] Highlight(하이라이트) _ Loved(사랑했나봐) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) [Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too.
2018-11-21 610 0 1

'WAKE,N'은 ‘잠에서 깨어나다’의 의미와 ‘감정이 깨어나다’의 두 가지 의미를 함께 담은 것으로, 타이틀곡 ‘HELP ME’와 수록곡인 ‘L.I.E’는 지금 내가 있는 현실이 깨지는 이야기를 담았고, 각 멤버들의 솔로곡은 감정이 깨어나는 것에 대해 그려냈다. 이는 'W, HERE'에서 시작, 'WHO, YOU'로 이어 가며 독특한 서사를 선보인 뉴이스트 W만의 세계관과 이야기를 'WAKE,N'을 통해 다시 하나로 연결하는 것은 물론, 앞으로 이어질 서사 또한 암시하고 있다.
2018-12-01 708 0 6

'Sensitive MAMAMOO' comes back by describing the autumn in a lonely and sentimental way! The title track “Wind flower” means 'sad feelings after breakup' in the language of flowers. They sing the will to erase the painful emotions and get over it in the lyrics as if blowing away the lonely and sentimental feelings after breakup and even the memories of being together with the wind.
2018-11-29 617 0 4

‘Sensitive MAMAMOO’ comes back by describing the autumn in a lonely and sentimental way! The title track “Wind flower” means ‘sad feelings after breakup’ in the language of flowers. They sing the will to erase the painful emotions and get over it in the lyrics as if blowing away the lonely and sentimental feelings after breakup and even the memories of being together with the wind.
2018-11-29 916 0 24

Singer : Sara Luu Đạo Diễn: Nguyễn Chung Actor/Actress: Lâm Kinh Tôn - Trương Hoàng Mai Anh Composer: Duong Khac Linh Lyrics: Hoàng Huy Long Music Arrangment: Dương Khắc Linh Bass Guitar: Reinier Blommaert Guitar: Nguyễn Dan Piano: Cà Pháo Mixed and mastering: Bố Thỏ Heo Album Artwork: Đinh Thiên Phú Photographer artwork: Rin Trần Chân Như Artist Manager: Tuan Anh Tran Stylist: Trần Nhật Duy Make up: Kayla Triệu
2018-12-06 625 0 16

Artist : 송하예 Title Song : Stay with me Album Title : 사의찬미 OST Part.2 Release : 03-12-2018
2018-12-06 612 0 3

English subtitles are now available. :D(Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function)[Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too.
2018-12-03 575 0 2

[Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too.[공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 1theK에 업로드된 MV 조회수 또한 음악방송 순위에 반영됩니다.
2018-12-07 631 0 9

ワールドワイドに活躍されているPerfumeさんように GIRLFRIENDも、世界に向けて音楽を発信できるよう頑張ります! 各パート渾身のバンドアレンジ!!! こだわりがたくさん詰まったカバー曲、ぜひご視聴ください!
2019-01-13 704 0 5

[M/V] LeeSoRa(이소라) - Song request(신청곡) (Feat. SUGA of BTS) LeeSoRa's New Single Album [Song request]
2019-01-26 786 0 9

DIA - Good Night (Bugs - 425m)
2019-05-02 649 0 12

EVERGLOW - Bon Bon Chocolat
2019-05-02 797 0 21
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