[1080P] Klingande & Broken Back - Wonders (Official Video)
Klingande & Broken Back - Wonders
语种: 英语流派:Alternative
[1080P] Zedd、Elley Duh - Happy Now (巡演版Official Video)
格莱美得主斩获多白金唱片销量的超级电音制作人Zedd携手美国新锐女声Elley Duhé发布盛夏狂欢单曲“Happy Now”
歌手:Zedd / Elley Duhé
所属专辑:Happy Now
发行公司: 环球唱片
[1080P] Luwaoba Sushant RK & Soma Laishram Rina Arambam
H360 Pictures "LUWAOBA" A Manipuri Music Video Album 2018 Cast : Soma & Sushant Guest Appearance : Rakesh, Pari AK, Dhamen, Romio Singer : Rina Arambam Music : Vivek Ali Chongtham Lyrics : Khaidem Imo Make Up : Naoton Longjam Costume : Arbin Tonjam Choreographer : Babycha Salam Cameraman : Sanjoy Ch Asst Camerman : Dhamen Set Design : Tayai Light & Dream Maker (Ningma & Lucky Mongsang) Asst Director : Govinda Mangaang Vfx : MP Editor : Yoimayai Mongsaba Producer : A Rajen Singh Director : Hemanta Khuman Special Thanks: RJ STAR
[1080P] INNA - No Help (Official Video)
曲名:No Help
音乐风格: Dance
发行时间: 2018-09-06
唱片公司: ℗ 2018 Global Records
[1080P] Anne-Marie & James Arthur - Rewrite The Stars
James Arthur与Anne-Marie联手演绎《马戏之王》动人原声《重摹繁星》
[1080P] 하이라이트(Highlight) - 사랑했나봐(Loved)
[MV] Highlight(하이라이트) _ Loved(사랑했나봐)
*English subtitles are now available. :D
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[Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too.
[4K] 蔡琴 你的眼神 现场live超清3840*2160分辨率
Little Mix - Woman Like Me (Official Video) ft. Nicki Minaj蔡琴 你的眼神 4K
[4K] IN&CHOO《I'm not cool》官方完整版MV
双胞胎兄弟二人歌手IN&CHOO是MV制作团队,也是L4D跳舞团队的团长。在韩国最初歌手海选电视节目「坏男孩具乐部」中获得冠军的孪生兄弟fl始于韩国有了很大的名气 ,不仅在国内以及日本,中国,香港,欧洲,东南亚,也有很多人气。他们已各个角色,模特,製片人,舞蹈编辑,演员,fl始宣传的IN&CHOO于2015年fl始出道。正式在娱乐圈中真正做到了一人多职务的角落。开始了他们独特的音乐道路。
[4K] 刘明湘《没遗憾,只有爱》官方完整版MV
Rose 刘明湘继《Unplugged Originals》接连带给歌迷不插电的原味洗礼后,终于推出全新创作单曲,并点名知名製作人terrytyelee及情歌製造机余竑龙强力加持,造就「失眠陪伴系女声」强势叩关华语R&B天后宫的〈没遗憾,只有爱〉!内容叙述一对情侣度过美好夜晚,女主角清晨醒来回忆长久关系的点点滴滴,格外适合即将到临的七夕情人节仔细聆听。
[360VR] 林俊杰 弹唱A Song for You Till the End of Time
全亚洲首创非定点360度拍摄,融入一镜到底的运镜手法,获得坎城创意节银狮奖,华裔+韩裔的男女双人组导演:Henry&Ssong ;美国MTV VMA 最佳摄影的摄影师:Mego,加入将近60人360度拍摄、VR团队,故事情节的铺陈,由“只要有你的地方”同一女主角张榕容演出,加上360度全景的全新技术,加乘了假人头录音的现场魔力,甜蜜温暖的互动,把整个寒冬赶走,温暖你的寂寞。
[4K] Jackson Wang - Different Game (Official Video) ft. Gucci Mane
Official music video for Jackson Wang’s “Different Game (feat. Gucci Mane)” video, premiering on VEVO at 8:00 pm EST on Tuesday, November 6 / 9:00am Beijing Time Wednesday, November 7
[1080P] NU'EST W(뉴이스트 W) – HELP ME
'WAKE,N'은 ‘잠에서 깨어나다’의 의미와 ‘감정이 깨어나다’의 두 가지 의미를 함께 담은 것으로, 타이틀곡 ‘HELP ME’와 수록곡인 ‘L.I.E’는 지금 내가 있는 현실이 깨지는 이야기를 담았고, 각 멤버들의 솔로곡은 감정이 깨어나는 것에 대해 그려냈다. 이는 'W, HERE'에서 시작, 'WHO, YOU'로 이어 가며 독특한 서사를 선보인 뉴이스트 W만의 세계관과 이야기를 'WAKE,N'을 통해 다시 하나로 연결하는 것은 물론, 앞으로 이어질 서사 또한 암시하고 있다.
[1080P] 宋旻浩MINO(송민호) - ‘아낙네 (FIANCÉ)’ MV
'Sensitive MAMAMOO' comes back by describing the autumn in a lonely and sentimental way! The title track “Wind flower” means 'sad feelings after breakup' in the language of flowers. They sing the will to erase the painful emotions and get over it in the lyrics as if blowing away the lonely and sentimental feelings after breakup and even the memories of being together with the wind.
[1080P] 마마무(MAMAMOO) - Wind flower
‘Sensitive MAMAMOO’ comes back by describing the autumn in a lonely and sentimental way! The title track “Wind flower” means ‘sad feelings after breakup’ in the language of flowers. They sing the will to erase the painful emotions and get over it in the lyrics as if blowing away the lonely and sentimental feelings after breakup and even the memories of being together with the wind.