蓝色天空,法国老城,年轻的模样,清新的味道...似乎都是促成著一次美妙的邂逅的元素,这一次让苍井空悄然心动的邂逅会是...谁?爱情往往会悄悄来临,不是吗? !不经意间的一次偶遇,像是早已被待定给自己的礼物,所有在最开始的不确定,也都被心跳渐渐融化。 歌曲开始了,这场甜蜜的桥段也随之拉开了序幕…
2018-06-21 1.04k 5 28

Aoi turned hot dancers dance mix Sola, she loves to dance, depending on the dance of life, exclusive Secret "let me go" Behind the Scenes, Aoi presents for everyone this mysterious "song and dance show." Aoi said, this appeared to her in terms of a great challenge, because dancing is very large proportion of the part. Her performances and dancing in the process, there is no thought of the heroine is sexy, but rather fully committed to shaping the image of the hero. However, her micro-film footage upon exposure, fans will have said, Aoi perfume danced merrily dance rhythms, this sexy inadvertently revealed to be more tempting, more people can not resist.
2018-06-20 588 2 27
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