Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars (web-1080p-595M)
2020-10-10 683 0 29 2

作品类型:Cover Music Video 曲名:《A Sky Full Of Stars》 原唱歌手:Coldplay 翻唱歌手:Neeti Mohan, Rushil, KHS
2018-10-22 654 0 19 2

The Story: It was 2011. Late in the year. What started as a small town ambition to sell pianos through social media had shown some promise as a standalone YouTube music video channel. We had a few videos under our belts. We had a handful of subscribers. We were building steam. We were loving it! But one looming, sour-faced, obstinate obstacle stood in the way.
2018-03-03 752 7 38
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